Development Plans

We have a strong devotion to our call and purpose in God’s larger Kingdom plan. Therefore we are dedicated to keep developing our platform to serve the purpose of serving our learner partners that engage in our program. We endeavor to develop our platform in the following ways:

  • Constantly develop new courses that adds to our curriculum path (Minimum one new course bi-monthly)

  • Develop new relationships with tech companies that have developed platforms that can add value to ministries.

  • Develop relationships with subject experts that provide training material for our students to learn specific skills that can enhance their media and tech experience in ministry.

  • Develop coaches that are subject experts or media coaches that will allow us to provide attention and care in group coaching sessions. Sessions where the intimacy of  a one-on-one session is closely replicated and adding the value of a round table discussion.

Content Distribution Blueprint

The objective of this course to train you how to set up your different media platforms correctly, distribute your content on each platform in the correct way as to ensure proper consumption and getting engagement.

This course is currently in production and when released will be released at a module per week.

Release date: 6 April 2021

Ministry Publishing Blueprint

We’re very excited about this project. We have partnered with Darren August, South African self-publishing expert, and he has given us his full self-publishing masterclass.

In this class he teaches from book conceptualization all the way to building a proper business from your book. This course will also be released a module per week, but with the work required to get the project going, it will make a lot of sense.

Release Date: 12 March 2021

Ministry Website Blueprint

There are a lot of requests for this course, and so as we are busy developing a new website for a client, we are creating tutorials at the same time we are creating it.

When completed you will know how to register a domain, setting up your own server and designing a great looking WordPress website.

Every ministry should have an online home, and I have found WordPress to be the best platform to fasciliate that creation. WordPress has a worldwide community of creators and developers that make the environment work. With specialized plugins for certain functions, we know we can get almost anything done that you need to have a phenomenal online presence.

Release Date: 31 March 2022

Ministry Podcast Blueprint

I have been podcasting for about 4 years with up to 150+ episodes. In the last quarter of  2020, I have gone and studied how the professionals launch and manage podcasts and are currently in the testing phase. As I am testing and executing, I am documenting the process so I can come show you how to do it.

The outcome of this course is that you will learn how to conceptualize, plan, record, launch and promote your ministry’s podcast in such a way that you will be able to build a business from it or promote your ministry or departments within it.

Release date: June 2022